Dataloggers & Telemetry

OTT HydroSystems allow complete hydrological measuring stations to be setup in only a few steps.The high-quality system cabinets include components for a power supply and everything that is needed for saving and transmitting measured data.
With this system, the IP-enabled and highly energy-efficient OTT netDL 500 datalogger is the core of the system. Several SDI-12 sensors may be connected to the logger, as it has up to 40 channels. The measured data may be remotely transferred via the built-in GSM/GPRS modem.. The required antenna is already included in the system.
OTT HydroSystems are specially designed to be used for stand-alone remote measuring stations that are supplied by solar power systems.The lockable stainless steel system cabinets are dust and weather-proof and have built-in ventilation
Flexible configurations to meet all applications
High-quality basic configuration
In addition to power supply components, the basic configuration of the rugged control
cabinet includes everything needed for saving and transferring the measured data.
In detail, the basic configuration includes the following components:
- — Lockable stainless steelcontrol cabinet including breathing gland
- — OTT netDL 500 IP datalogger with built-in GSM/GPRS modem and flat antenna
- — Solar controller compatible rechargeable battery and solar panel including outrigger available as accessories
- Connector for SDI-12 sensors such as OTTRLS (radarsensor),
- OTT PLS (pressure probe), OTT SE 200 (shaft encoder) or OTT CBS (bubble sensor)
- Overvoltageprotection
- Wiringdiagram
All components within the control cabinet are fully installed, the datalogger is already
The control cabinet may be installed to the mast as well as to the wall, e.g. within the gauge
station. For both installation types, convenient stainless steel brackets are available as
For a quote please email your request to sales or call 512-846-2893